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Clean water (Handpump Wells)
In the last fiscal year, Operation Blessing has dug 16 handpump wells which has benefitted over three thousand people in various rural communities across Nigeria, irrespective of ethnic, religious or political considerations.
Medical Care(Brigade, CHV, LCS)
OB also provides medical services to various rural communities to provide free healthcare to the less privileged. During these free medical programs, a team of volunteer doctors, nurses, pharmacists, laboratory technicians, and prayer assistants attend to the poor, dispensing free drugs, reading glasses and carrying out minor surgeries on those who are unable to afford it.
Disaster Relief
We have also been involved in providing relief materials to victims of religious riots or communal strife across the country. CBN Africa was also the first humanitarian organization to provide relief materials to displaced people in Langtang, Plateau state who were victims of rain floods in the area. In the last fiscal year, two (2) Disaster Relief projects were carried out with 1,462 beneficiaries.
Hunger Relief (Vocational Training)
Operation Blessing carries out women and youth empowerment through
Vocational Training in hair dressing, soap-making, pastry and dairy products, carpentry, shoe-making and sewing amongst others. OB also provide agricultural training and resources to small scale farmers to enable them scale up their businesses. In the last fiscal year, two (2) Vocational Training projects were carried out with thirty-two (32) beneficiaries and one (1) Agriculture project with twenty (20) beneficiaries.
The CBN Africa Operation Blessing includes
disaster relief, medical missions, micro-business initiatives, fresh water projects and food programs across the continent.
By donating to Operation Blessing, you can directly help any one of our current listed projects we are supporting. Simply reference the project name and your name when donating to ensure every cent you donate goes to the benefit of a particular project that speaks to your heart.

Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) Africa, a Christian media organization neck-deep into charitable undertakings has handed over two hand-dug wells fitted with pumps to provide potable water in different communities.
For residents of the two settler farming communities, the provision of a source of potable water was a dream come true and a permanent solution to their perennial search for water for domestic purposes especially during the dry season.
Hand-pump wells
Each fitted well is estimated at about $2,500 and presently wholly funded through the generous support of Club 700 partners
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